Who Are You?

My name is Steven V. Miller. I’m an assistant professor of political science at Clemson University.

Why This Service?

I have too many books, many of which I no longer need, and I don’t live in the most spacious quarters that would permit me to use these books I’ve acquired along the way as decoration in my home office. I figure I might as well try to find these books a good home.

Is There a Catch?

No. Ask and you shall receive. I don’t think of this as a sale, because it’s not. I’m not asking for money for these things though a thanks via PayPal would help defray shipping costs on my end. It’s more a direct “donation” to someone who wants these for their own purposes. Seriously.

Further, 17 U.S. Code § 109 codified the first-sale doctrine for which I can “dispose” physical copies in any way I like. None of these are e-books (which would be a different question altogether).

Why Not Throw Some of These Books Away?

The thought of that makes me squeamish. I understand some of these books have enough wear on them that would cause a service like BetterWorldBooks to toss them but that doesn’t discount the value they have for someone who wants the book for the information it contains.

I also get it’s not the same as tomecide but my personal reaction to that thought places it in the same vicinity and the thought of throwing away books seems just as wasteful. If I have it, and you want it, why not give it to you?

Why Not Sell Them on Amazon?

I tried. Two things: Amazon wants me to get a state license as a vendor. I get why Amazon wants this because it’s a means to regulate what amounts to an economic exchange. However, I don’t feel like doing that.

Further, why charge you anything for a book when I can give you a book you want to read? I’m not trying to operate this at a profit; I’m trying to share knowledge at the margins.

Why Not Give Them to Your Library? Or BetterWorldBooks?

That’s my last resort. If, for example, I happen to make a major move across the country, most of these books will not come with me. Clemson University’s library service has been gracious in communicating that it would gladly accept these books. The books it finds useful for its catalog would appear in its main library and those that aren’t “presentation quality” would go to BetterWorldBooks, which would try to sell these (typically through Amazon) at its familiar low prices.

That’s a perfectly good option; I just want to do this to cut out the middle man.

Do You Do International Shipping?

Yep, if you’re okay with getting the book a little later than a standard turnaround in the United States.

I Have Social/Political Science Books I Also Want to Give Away. Can I Join?

Yep! Hit me up via e-mail or Twitter. There’s a reason I called it a “co-op” even if it’s just me right now, and a reason I put this website on Github.

You Mention Some Markings/Highlighting in the Book. Can I See an Example?

Yep. Just ask me. I get that some readers may be put off by markings/highlightings. Some of the books here have extensive markings/highlighting/marginalia. It’s tedious to try to catalog all of it and share representative photos. If you want a representative photo, hit me up via e-mail or Twitter and I can share an example with you.

Who Is the Cat?

His name is Pip and he’s a good boy. See my other Twitter account.